104 results
Population displacement
Though population displacement has been a constant feature of human societies, it has increased in the last decade. This should continue in the coming years due to demographic changes and the unequal distribution of wealth, ongoing political crises and conflicts, growing urbanization and the effects of climate change. This growing number of people affected by forced displacement also contributes to greater humanitarian needs globally.
The global forced displacement crisis primarily affects regions that are next to conflict and destabilisation zones, before leading to subsequent movement to richer countries (United States, Europe, Australia, etc.). This situation creates major challenges for aid actors, as well as local and national governments, in terms of prevention and finding solutions, the safety and protection of displaced persons, adapting urban systems and access to basic services.
Analysing the complex causes of forced migration – whether internal or cross-border, due to a conflict or a disaster – and its consequences for the people and actors concerned, particularly in situations of protracted displacement, is a major challenge for the sector.