Aid architecture

288 results

Aid architecture

The architecture of the international humanitarian aid and crisis management system is constantly evolving. Due to the complexity of operational contexts, growing humanitarian needs, an increasing number of actors and the desire to increase effectiveness, important changes are needed in the sector. The expected or unexpected impacts of these changes on populations, programmes and actors need to be monitored and analysed.

The humanitarian system is made up of many inter-related families of actors who are involved in providing assistance to people affected by crises. The need for reform should be constantly monitored, while any reforms that are implemented should be accompanied over time, and their effects analysed.

Aid architecture is structured by different types of partnerships (for example, between public and private actors, or consortiums), different types of coordination (in clusters or based on a territorial approach), and different levels of integration (between diplomatic, political, military or humanitarian actors). These all have a direct consequence on operators.





Humanitarian Aid on the Move - Articles

Press & radio