"Climate change, multiple crises and the risk of collapse"
- Editorial, Véronique de Geoffroy
- What can the aid sector do to anticipate and adapt to the major changes ahead, Véronique de Geoffroy & Lisa Daoud
- Current scientific projections regarding global warming and rising sea levels, Dominique Raynaud
- Interview with Bruno Jochum, Véronique de Geoffroy & Pierre Brunet
- Reducing the ecological footprint of the international aid sector: ethical and practical issues, Aurélie Ceinos & François Delfosse
- The Drastic Changes Facing Food Systems, Philippe Thomas
- So far so good…, Michael Carrier
- Towards a territorial approach to resilience and vulnerability: 2011 Tsunami – Kamaishi, Diane Alalouf-Hall
- Degraded contexts, degraded mode: a few thoughts for the humanitarian sector in relation to collapse scenarios, François Grünewald
- The ‘Low-tech with Refugees’ project: aid in a degraded context, Marjolaine Bert
- Interview with Pablo Servigne, François Grünewald & Pierre Brunet
- Bibliography on Climate change, multiple crises and collapse, Cécile Le Grix