- Editorial, Véronique de Geoffroy
- Has rational humanitarianism replaced relational humanitarianism?, Arnaud Dandoy
- Organization and governance in the era of digital humanitarianism, Andrej Verity & Mary Milner
- Aid delivery in Afghanistan – Are military forces really responsible for the deterioration of humanitarian space?, Laurent Saillard
- Humanitarian work in prisons: the experience of Médecins Sans Frontières, Jean-Marc Biquet
- For a holistic approach to problems and opportunities in North Mali, François Grünewald
- Improving the quality of medical equipment projects for health centres in developing countries, Barbara Comte & Cathy Blanc-Gonnet
- Bibliography on family farming
- Events in “Humanitarian aid on the move” No. 13
Humanitarian aid on the move No. 13
After special issues on the Sahel, Resilience and the Environment, the 13th issue of Humanitarian Aid on the Move returns to its initial format, with a number of different topics and contributions from external authors who are close to Groupe URD. Their analysis, like ours, is rooted in operational reality and explores less common terrain [...].