311 results
Created in 2008, the Humanitarian Aid on the Move review is a review published by Groupe URD to exchange experiences and ideas between practitioners of different nationalities and cultures.
It is published in French and in English (and was available in Spanish until 2011). Two formats are produced: a downloadable version and an electronic version that can be consulted online, or sent by email.
For a number of years now, each issue of the review has had a specific focus, which is often linked to our Autumn School on Humanitarian Aid.
Each issue includes articles based on Groupe URD’s activities, articles by guest authors from a variety of backgrounds and three additional sections:
- The “Point of View” section is an opinion piece, often linked to current affairs.
- The “Conversation” section is an interview linked to the specific focus of the issue.
- The “Bibliography” section provides a series of references to explore the issue’s focus from different angles.
If you would like to propose an article, please send an outline of it to Pierre Brunet.
Your proposal should respect certain conditions: the subject should be related to crisis response (humanitarian aid, post-crisis reconstruction, crisis and natural disaster prevention, or LRRD). The article should be about an innovative experience or should analyse the sector. It should not promote a programme or an organization, but rather should aim to share experiences and lessons learned in the field.
The opinions expressed in the review are those of the authors alone.
Numéro ISSN : 2261 – 7124.