François Grünewald, Kate Robins, Ayoo Odicoh & Mulunesh Woldemariam, Nigel Nicholson & Amdissa Teshome
The Real Time Evaluation process was initiated in May by UNICEF and members of the UN system interested in capturing a quick initial vision of what went well and what went less well in the response to the 2005-2006 drought in the Horn of Africa. The RTE process was steered by an interagency committee chaired by UNICEF (which provided substantial financial and logistical support to the process) and comprising representatives of OCHA, FAO, WHO and UNFPA, who provided feedback on findings electronically throughout the evaluation. Three country reports and a synthesis report have been prepared. The mission received full support from UN agencies and national authorities in the field. NGO and Red Cross colleagues also spared no effort to respond to the many questions raised by the RTE team.François Grünewald, Kate Robins, Ayoo Odicoh & Mulunesh Woldemariam, Nigel Nicholson & Amdissa Teshome