Funded by
The French Development Agency
Adapting the programme to the frequent changes in the context
This external monitoring and evaluation process was put in place to ensure that the programme was adapted to the frequent changes in context which have taken place. This programme was part of a transitional process between emergency humanitarian assistance and a return to development aid, and was based on the know-how that has been accumulated over the years during operations that the AFD has funded in Eastern Chad.
An M&E process in several stages, spread over almost two years
This project included 3 field visits and a methodological support in monitoring and evaluation for the project management (the CONSAHDIS: Coordination Nationale de Soutien aux Activités Humanitaires et au Détachement Intégré de Sécurité) and for the project’s implementing partners.
The first field visit was carried out in the Spring of 2011 and covered the main operational areas of the programme. The team was able to:
- Analyse the current situation compared to the programme strategy,
- Provide methodological support to reinforce/develop a monitoring mechanism (indicators to monitor, monitoring tools, etc.),
- Carry out a mid-term evaluation of the project’s results and impacts (perceptible and potential),
- Make operational recommendations for the possible re-orientation of the project.
This provided an initial series of observations and recommendations for the three key axes of the project: access to potable water, improved healthcare and reviving economic activities.
The second field visit began in mid-March 2012. The objective was to carry out a mid-term evaluation and to focus this time on the Health sector and reviving economic activities.
The third field visit, in January 2013, once all the programmes have ended, evaluated the impact of the three areas.
After these evaluations, a conference bringing together humanitarian and development actors in Chad has been organized in Chad, the 4th of february 2013, in order to share lessons learned during this project, both on the themes concerned and the M&E process.