Funded by
L'Œuvre d’Orient, F3E & AMEL
The study should lead to recommendations on issues such as:
- capacity building for different ‘actors’, whether institutional or individual, formal or informal, national or international, in Lebanon’s context of inter-connected crises;
- multi-actor coordination in development cooperation and humanitarian aid;
- improving funding mechanisms and processes;
- preparedness, risk analysis, improving initial assessment tools, etc.
Following the two real-time evaluations we carried out after the explosion in the Port of Beirut, and our participation in numerous discussion and experience-sharing workshops, this collective study will be an opportunity for us to explore a number of key learning points related to disasters of this kind, share lessons learned more widely, and reinforce collective efforts to improve practices.
Groupe URD and the Lebanese think tank North Leda have been working together on crisis management issues in Lebanon for several years, during which our ‘global-local’ partnership has proven itself to be relevant and effective.