Funded by

Expertise France

The training in quality management was organized around three main events whose objectives were to:

  • Share a common vision of the key elements of quality, the actions of the Initiative 5% team of Expertise France
    What are the key quality concepts in the sector? What are the strengths and weaknesses of quality within “Expertise France”? What are the priority areas for improvement? How to implement them?
  • Identify the critical points of quality management
    What are the strengths and weaknesses of the existing quality system?
  • Initiate an approach to improve the follow-up of the actions of the Initiative 5% team of Expertise France
    How to operationalize the quality improvement paths?

The Quality & Accountability COMPAS and the Quality & Accountability Framework of the Basic Humanitarian Standard (CHS) were used as a basis for reflection and adapted to the specific needs of Expertise France.

Carried out by

Véronique de Geoffroy

Executive Director (employed since 1999)

Michael Carrier

Quality Referent (2017 - 2021)