The course covered all the phases of the project cycle and provided participants with all the necessary knowledge and operational tools to design and run programmes that meet donor demands and are adapted to the specific constraints of the Syrian context.
Two complementary modules has been provided:
- Aid context and project methodology: collecting and analyzing data to design a project that is adapted to the system and humanitarian needs;
- Report writing and decision-making: designing and finding funding for a quality project.
By the end of the two modules, the participants were:
- Familiar with the basic principles of managing humanitarian and/or development projects;
- Able to design projects which can be submitted to donors.
Each training module included practical exercises and case studies. A group exercise (designing a project and its logical framework) has been carried out by the participants between the two modules. The Groupe URD/GĂ©oexpertise training team also provided them with remote follow-up support/coaching.