Funded by

French Development Agency, Fondation de France, Région Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes and Monegasque Cooperation

Combining research on adaptation processes and the participation of local actors, this study aims to identify and raise awareness about disaster risk preparedness and anticipation strategies implemented by local actors in the response to major crises related to climate change.

In 2023, the study will focus on how local preparedness and anticipation strategies have evolved, focusing on two major floods in Pakistan (2010 and 2022). It will be split into two parts:

  • during the first quarter of 2023, a review of lessons and practices related to floods in Pakistan (by the end of March 2023) ; and
  • a case study in Sindh province, one of the areas that was most affected by the mega floods of August 2022.

This research aims to feed into discussions about locally-led adaptation. It could eventually contribute to different national and local actors being taken into account more and supported more directly, with more resources being mobilised to anticipate and manage risks related to climate change.

Carried out by

Valérie Léon

Trainer, researcher and evaluator (since 2012)

Marion Reinosa

Researcher, evaluator and trainer - Climate advisor (2022-2023)