Funded by

the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

General context

Switzerland has been active in CAR for more than a decade, and is one of the top ten humanitarian donors. In 2021, the decision was taken to open a humanitarian office in the capital Bangui from 2022 in order to better coordinate humanitarian activities in the highly complex and constantly changing context of CAR. The opening of this office has been approved for a period of four years. An evaluation of the objectives achieved will serve as the basis for a decision on the continuation of Switzerland’s presence in CAR at the end of this period.

This review takes place in a particular political context for Switzerland, as it is in the process of redefining its new international cooperation strategy (2025-2028).


Objectives of this strategic review

This evaluation has several objectives:

  •  Examine the achievements of the humanitarian office in CAR since 2022, both in terms of advocacy for humanitarian principles and international humanitarian law, humanitarian diplomacy and the coordination and management of the various programs to which Switzerland has contributed.
  •  Analyze the specific added value that Switzerland can bring through its presence in CAR and its portfolio, in terms of both humanitarian aid and stabilization of the country.
  • Assess the Swiss program in CAR in terms of impact, relevance, effectiveness and efficiency.
  • Explore the potential of SDC’s future involvement in the Central African Republic, and list the strengths and weaknesses of possible modalities and options for future organization, including a cost-benefit analysis.


Carried out by

Laurent Saillard

Researcher, evaluator and trainer (since 2021)

Aline Hubert

Researcher, evaluator, and trainer – ‘Environment’ expert (since 2021)