Funded by
Délégation aux Affaires Stratégiques du Ministère de la Défense
It is very rare for the first months of a response to a disaster to be evaluated. Though military and civil security forces gather feedback regularly, evaluators often arrive much later when those who were in place in the initial hours and weeks have been replaced and time has already modified memories of the initial phase.
At Groupe URD, we have often tried to carry out evaluations as close as possible to the peak emergency phase. Our work after hurricane Mitch in 1998-99 and since (Kosovo, Afghanistan, Tsunami, etc.) has shown how important this approach is. The United Nations refers to it as “real-time evaluation” (RTE).
During several months, Groupe URD has worked on a piece of research with the Strategic Affairs Directorate of the French MoD on the theme of “unintentional risks” (natural, technological and health disasters) with regard to the next thirty years. It was during the presentation of the mid-term report of this research project, which took place only a few days after the earthquake, that it was decided to carry out an RTE in Haiti with the objective of analysing the following points:
- Search and rescue operations;
- Links with disaster healthcare;
- Gradual stabilisation and implementation of humanitarian aid;
- Coordination mechanisms;
- Civil-military issues;
- Initial assessment and analysis issues.
After having contacted different French and international organisations involved in the response, the evaluation team travelled to Haiti in February 2010.
The evaluators tried to meet as many stakeholders as possible: the Haitian authorities, the remaining “Search and Rescue” teams, UN agencies, NGOs, donors, etc. And, perhaps most important of all, the evaluators spoke to local people in order to gain insight into their perception of the situation. The team conducted the evaluation in Port-au-Prince, Gressier and Léogane.