Funded by

Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)

In connection with the INSPIRE+ Consortium, Groupe URD and our partners have been helping the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) to develop its policies via research, training, workshops and the dissemination of findings.

Since October 2022, Groupe URD has been providing DG ECHO with support in developing ways to monitor the Minimum Environmental Requirements. One option has been to develop standard indicators to monitor the extent to which the environment is taken into account in projects.

This project has involved a number of phases. First of all, Groupe URD carried out a documentary review and interviews with key informants to identify existing standards in the sector and gather information about organisations’ practices. These points were brought together in a document that was used when consulting a panel of experts from the different fields covered by the Minimum Requirements. The opinions and suggestions of 23 of ECHO’s partners were gathered and the indicators were prioritised by operational sector.

In April 2023, Groupe URD has provided DG ECHO with the list of proposals and indicators for monitoring the Minimum Environmental Requirements. A second consultation phase has been carried out by DG ECHO during 2023 before the new standards are disseminated. The final version was submitted to DG ECHO in September 2023 and will be rolled out with the HIP 2024, to reinforce the consideration of the environment in DG ECHO-funded projects.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at:


Crédit photo : UN Photo JC McIlwaine

The INSPIRE+ Consortium is made up of Development Initiatives1, IECAH, ODI, FAIREPROD and Groupe URD. It provides the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) with support in developing its policies via research, training, workshops and the dissemination of findings.

  1. (until end 2024)

Carried out by

Charly Pierluigi

Researcher, evaluator & trainer - Quality Advisor (since 2022)