Funded by
Délégation aux Affaires Stratégiques du Ministère de la Défense
This study, funded by the French Ministry of Defence’s Delegation for Strategic Affairs (DAS), aims to strengthen disaster anticipation, planning and preparation capacity. This involves looking into improvements in the way means are are mobilised, whether these are institutional (research institutes, civil protection, armed forces, Red Cross, UNDAC, NATO, specialist departments), financial or human (including training).
The research looks into bilateral, multilateral and European action. In terms of transatlantic action, NATO is currently looking into emergency civilian plans and a Euro-atlantic coordination centre for disaster response – EADRCC. At the European level, civil protection forces are being coordinated beyond EU borders.
The analysis of risks, vulnerabilities and resilience of populations includes:
- Analysing the relationship between mechanical monitoring and warning systems (short-term forecasting), and more creative scenario-based systems applied to longer periods;
- Analysing the broader issues of vulnerability, resilience and ways of strengthening it and reducing, or avoiding, the most devastating effects of disasters on populations.