Funded by
Initiative EU Aid Volunteers
Having been deployed by France Volontaires and Zavod Voluntariat, around twenty European volunteers have been working with national volunteers to improve food security, community health, water and sanitation, the prevention of coastal and riverbank erosion, and the management of volunteers by local organisations.
The lesson learning study on the AVENIR project will be participatory, with volunteers, partners and communities involved in identifying the lessons learned and the impacts of the project.
This lesson-learning exercise will help to prepare for a resilience-based volunteering project to be replicated on a bigger scale (at the regional level).
The main objectives of the study are:
- To identify the added value of the volunteers’ involvement in activities to increase resilience (disaster risk reduction, crisis prevention and preparedness, relief and recovery operations, etc.).
- To establish the case in favour of involving young people in projects at the national and regional levels, which can then be made to decision-makers and volunteer organisations.