Funded by

The European Fund for Development (EFD)

The LRRD – REPI 2010 programme, funded by the European Union delegation in Burkina Faso, was set up following the emergency response to the flooding of July 2010 funded by DG ECHO in the same year. It aimed to support vulnerable communities affected by the floods of 22 July 2010 in the Provinces of Sanmatenga, Namentenga and Gnagna (Centre Nord and Est regions). It was due to last 2 years (April 2011 to March 2013) and was implemented by ACF, Christian Aid, Intermon Oxfam and Development Workshop.

It covered three areas:

1) The restoration of production capacities (principally agro-sylvo-pastoral)
2) The rehabilitation of small and medium-sized infrastructure through labour-intensive public works when possible (productive infrastructure and social community buildings)
3) Taking into account risk prevention during the activities carried out as part of the project, the promotion of these and climate change adaptation measures so that they are integrated into local development policies.

Groupe URD has been in charge of evaluating the quality of this programme and carried out field visits 6, 12 and 18 months after its launch.
During the field visits, we had:

  • Set up and followed up the implementation of a common monitoring framework for the 4 projects funded by the LRRD-REPI 2010 programme;
  • Reinforced the monitoring of each of the projects to help the beneficiaries and the EU delegation in Burkina Faso to steer them effectively and efficiently;
  • Monitored the overall quality of the programme;
  • Analysed and shared lessons learned from this programme in terms of LRRD.


Carried out by

Bonaventure Sokpoh

Researcher, evaluator and trainer (2001-18)