Funded by
European Commission (DG ECHO)
Groupe URD took part in the evaluation of DG ECHO’s response to the Syrian crisis from 2012 to 2014 in partnership with Analysis for Economic Decisions (ADE) and the Institute of Studies on Conflicts and Humanitarian Action (IECAH).
This evaluation provided an overall independent assessment of the ECHO response to the Syrian crisis in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, and Turkey for the period 2012-2014. It covered ECHO-funded operations in these five countries.
It has been geared to a wide range of stakeholders, including ECHO Headquarters (HQ) and country level staff, national and regional stakeholders, participating implementing partners, and other humanitarian and development donors and agencies. It had both a retrospective and prospective dimension, aiming at assessing past support, but also at providing recommendations with a view to improving the performance of ECHO operations in the future.
The objective was to evaluate the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of DG ECHO’s response to this major crisis from different angles:
- Retrospectively, in order to account for the significant funds invested;
- In real time, in order to provide organisations currently working in these countries, where the crisis is still taking place, with up to date analysis;
- Looking ahead, to make concrete recommendations to improve the results of the programmes funded by ECHO in the region.