Funded by

Terre des hommes

This evaluation, which began in mid-May, has continued till mid-July. It was part of a wider analysis and the development of a capacity building strategy for Terre des hommes Delegations for 2016-2020. It refered to the criteria of the Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS), developed at the end of 2014 with the aim of harmonizing existing humanitarian standards, and in which Groupe URD was directly involved.

Groupe URD’s mission has been to ensure that there was the correct balance between:

  • Inputs (human and financial resources dedicated to this new department, the institutional support that it receives, etc.);
  • New processes put in place (the functioning of the department and its activities, the distribution of roles and responsibilities with operational teams, etc.);
  • Outputs and impact – the results in terms of improving quality and accountability.

This mission stemmed from a desire to consolidate the results of Health and Protection programmes in Mali, by improving project management, monitoring, and accountability processes, and sharing and pooling good practices with other humanitarian actors.

The evaluation aimed to learn lessons and make recommendations to help build Terre des hommes’ capacity in terms of Quality & Accountability.

Carried out by

Véronique de Geoffroy

Executive Director (employed since 1999)

Julien Carlier

Quality & Accountability Advisor (2014-17)