As was the case for other major disasters, such as hurricane Mitch in Central America in 1998, the tsunami in South-East Asia in 2004 and the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, Groupe URD set up an iterative lesson learning process following the earthquake in Nepal in 2015. As a result, we have been able to monitor programmes supported by the Fondation de France, the French Development Agency and the Fondation Carasso.

A major part of this work has been to monitor and accompany the efforts of Nepalese NGOs, some of whom are in partnerships with French NGOs (such as Triangle Génération Humanitaire and Enfance Népal).

After 4 years of regular field visits, we shared our findings and the lessons learned at a final workshop in Kathmandu with the Nepalese NGOs.

Groupe URD was also invited to present its work on Nepal, including our analysis of risk prevention and managing humanitarian action.