Episode (4/4) | Soigner les esprits : l’importance des cultures et des pratiques locales dans les programmes de santé mentale, with Florence Chatot & Isabella Tion, registered on 06/12/24.

In this 4th and final episode, we are going to look at mental health issues, and more specifically at the treatment of psychological disorders, which was the subject of a study carried out in 2022 as part of the first phase of the RESILAC project. I am pleased to welcome Florence Chatot, who coordinated the study for Groupe URD, and Isabella Tion, an expert on these issues and Technical Advisor for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support.



Episode 3/4 | Cohésion sociale : un défi pour l’action humanitaire, with Johanna Baché & Bruno Angsthelm, registered on 19/11/24.

In this 3rd episode, we look at the issue of ‘social cohesion’ in the Lake Chad Basin, in the company of Johanna Baché, coordinator of the study “Endogenous conflict prevention, mediation and resolution mechanisms in the Lake Chad Basin“, and Bruno Angsthelm, International Partnership Officer at CCFD Terre Solidaire.



Episode 2/4 | La place du genre : un enjeu central dans des contextes de crise, with Kalilou Seydou Moussa & Mathilde Bouchacourt, registered on 03/10/24.

In this 2nd episode, we take a look at gender issues, with Kalilou Seydou Moussa, a socio-anthropologist based in Niger and one of the authors of the study ‘Gender in the socio-economic development of the Lake Chad Basin’, and Mathilde Bouchacourt, RESILAC 2 Gender Officer.



Episode 1/4 | Repenser l’humanitaire : l’approche territoriale au cœur des solutions, with Thomas Foin & Hélène Ronceray, registered on 20/09/24.

For this 1st episode, we are going to talk about the concept of the territorial approach, with Thomas Foin, who coordinated the study “Can an integrated territorial approach help to reinforce resilience?“ carried out by Groupe URD as part of RESILAC 1, and Hélène Ronceray, regional representative of the project from its inception to October 2024 for Action Against Hunger, who is therefore very familiar with all these subjects.



Funded by The French Development Agency & European Union