The evaluation will aim to learn lessons and identify good practices and provide pragmatic advice to help with future decisions for the implementation of the current programme and the design of the next country programme. Sporadic acts of violence and banditry in the Casamance region are continuing to harm local agriculture, employment, trade and transport. Similarly to other countries in the Sahel, Senegal is affected by recurring climatic shocks, food shortages and volatile prices. The country has been faced with repeated food crises in recent years, most recently in 2007-2008 and 2012. Despite efforts to reach the Millennium Development Goals, there is still a high incidence of food insecurity and malnutrition in several regions. Households in rural areas are the most affected. School attendance is also a concern. The country programme (2012-2016) therefore aims, via a number of components, to meet the needs of local people in different sectors, and build national capacity at the central and local levels.
Groupe URD, in partnership with IRAM, is in charge of the mid-term evaluation of the Country Programme implemented by the World Food Programme (WFP) in Senegal. This Country Programme (2012-2016) aims, via a variety of components, to meet the needs of local people in different sectors and to build national capacity at the central and local levels. The evaluation will measure the performance and results of the operation with a view to learning for future operations. The field visit will take place in November 2015.