You will find more than 187 publications (research and evaluation reports, key messages, conference reports, etc.), 69 videos from different crisis contexts from the last decades, 19 Humanitarian Aid on the Move reviews on a variety of subjects such as resilience, humanitarian aid in urban contexts and aid quality, 90 articles published in external publications, 9 books, as well as presentations of more than 200 projects and 90 events organised or facilitated by Groupe URD.


A search engine and design that will make access to our resources easier…

In a few seconds and a few clicks you will be able to find what you are looking for thanks to the new search engine! By type of activity, or by type of resource, by topic, country, geographic zone or by date, a very large number of resources will be made available by Groupe URD after 25 years of knowledge management and providing support to international aid organisations.

Via new ‘related projects’ or ‘associated resources’ functions, suggestions will be made for further reading on the subject you are consulting.

Groupe URD would like to thank Concept Image, who conducted every phase of the project and developed the new visual identity, as well as Claire Labat who provided precious help to get this redesign started, as well as the people who contributed to different phases, such Amina Abdelkhalek and Elodie Adaine Jean-Pierre.