Commissioned by
Aline Hubert & Johana Bretou-Klein
Eco-friendly aid organizations
raising our game !
Four awareness-raising posters for international aid organizations to both inform and mobilise:
Relevant to all aid professionals at headquarters or in the field!
Here are some tips for the dissemination of the leaflets.
The current situation
For a number of years, there has been increasing awareness among humanitarian actors of the potential negative impacts of their programmes and of crises themselves on the natural environment. These impacts can be the result of the implementation of programmes in crisis-affected countries or of the logistics deployed, both at headquarters and internationally. These can have disastrous consequences for beneficiaries and surrounding communities. This is why, even before environmental considerations have been imposed by donors as part of a quality approach, numerous actors have already made an effort to integrate the environment at an institutional level.
The network, its mission and how it operates
Created in April 2012, the Humanitarian Environment Networkaims to promote the integration of the environment among member organisations and more widely throughout the humanitarian sector.
To do this, it has given itself three objectives:
- Conducting studies and developing tools adapted to the needs of the sector which can be adopted by non-specialists;
- Share its thoughts and the results of its work;
- Establishing the legitimacy of the network and doing advocacy work with the management of member organisations and other actors, such as donors, to promote the integration of environmental considerations in humanitarian organisations.
Facilitated by Groupe URD, it is made up of over 150 individuals and around 20 organisations. It is coordinated by a steering committee which is elected for two years. This steering committee, which includes six NGOs and a think tank, defines the main orientations of the network. The network has a number of working groups who focus on specific topics, such as carbon footprints, waste management, environmental assessment tools and sustainable procurement.
The REH is open to any individual or organisation interested in environmental issues in the international aid sector!
The members of the network are from organisations like Action contre la faim, ACTED, Afrique solidarité RDC, Alima, Care France, le Comité de gestion de l’environnement, la Croix-Rouge française, Électriciens sans frontières, Entrepreneurs du monde, FEDESI, le Gret, le Groupe URD, Humanité & Inclusion, Médecins du Monde, Merveilles du Monde, the Netherlands Red Cross, Oxfam, Première Urgence Internationale, Prodecom RD Congo, Profeeg, Save the chilren, Secours Islamique France, Solidarités International and Terre des hommes.
The network has links with organisations at the international level, and notably a network steered by the Joint UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit which works on the same subject.
Statement of Commitment on Climate by Humanitarian Organisations
In order to be in line with international commitments to reduce emissions and global warming, fifteen NGOs have pledged to reduce emissions by 50% by 2030 : ACTED, Action contre la Faim, ALIMA, CARE France, Croix-Rouge française, Électriciens Sans Frontières, le Gret, Groupe URD, Handicap international, Médecins du Monde, Première Urgence Internationale, Secours Islamique France, Solidarités International, Terre des hommes and Triangle Génération Humanitaire.
The Statement is open to everyone! If you would like to sign it or for more information, please contact
Read the 4-year Update Report (2024) and the 3-year Update Report (2023).
Read more
Factsheet "De Montfort Incinerator", REH, December 2018EN
Factsheet "EcologicalSanitation", REH, December 2018EN
Factsheet "Responsible Purchasing", REH, 2017EN
Factsheet "Ecological Cooker", REH, 2017EN
Factsheet "Solar Power", REH, 2016EN
Factsheet "Environment", REH, 2015EN
Factsheet "Waste", REH, 2015EN
Factsheet "Sustainable Procurement", REH, 2014EN
Factsheet "Environmental impact assessment", REH, 2014EN