Literature monitoring

Independent review of the humanitarian response to internal displacement: compendium report, Lewis Sida & al., HPG Report, HPG, ODI, 2024

The purpose of this review is to understand how the humanitarian system can better meet the key protection and assistance needs of, and deliver outcomes for, IDP populations and their host communities. In exploring these objectives, the scope of the review has focused on three broad areas: programming and coordination; leadership and accountability; and laying the groundwork for solutions. Across these, the review also sought to explore cross-cutting barriers and enablers to change, with a focus on financing, data and analysis, and humanitarian access. The review carried out six in-depth country case studies in Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Honduras, Mozambique, Nigeria and Yemen.

“Anticipatory Action: Shaping the Future of Humanitarian Response”, Voice Out Loud #37, VOICE, June 2024

In a world increasingly prone to disasters, both natural and man-made, the humanitarian sector faces unprecedented challenges. The imperative to not only respond to crises but to anticipate and mitigate them before they unfold has never been more critical. This edition of the VOICE out loud delves into the potentially transformative approach of Anticipatory Action (AA), exploring how foresight and proactive strategies can and should reshape humanitarian aid.

Humanitarian Surge: Stuck in a Rut? Humanitarian Outcomes, United Kingdom Humanitarian Innovation Hub, 2024

Already stretched thin by the large number of chronic crises requiring an aid response year after year, the humanitarian sector is further challenged when new emergencies demand rapid scale-up in the form of ‘surge’– the ability to quickly mobilise and deploy additional financial, human, and material resources to meet needs where the existing response capacities are insufficient. This report examines the current state and perceptions of surge in the sector, the structural and organisational challenges to effectiveness, and the potential opportunities for reconceptualising surge capacity more broadly.

Thematic literature reviews

Several times a year, “Documentary analyses”, focusing on a given subject often related to current events, are also carried out.