Literature monitoring
A humanitarian trap? Navigating neutrality, relief and rights in Ethiopia, Myanmar, Syria and Guatemala, Zainab Moallin, Leen Fouad, Dustin Barter, HPG working paper, HPG, ODI, 2025
Humanitarianism faces existential crisis, whilst human rights are being eviscerated. Over 90% of humanitarian crises are protracted – this should be further cause for reflection, redirection and action. This study examines the intensifying tensions between the provision of humanitarian relief and advancement of rights. While not mutually exclusive, the foregrounding of humanitarianism often comes at the expense of social justice. The Humanitarian Policy Group’s research examines these different tensions through country studies in Ethiopia, Myanmar, Syria and Guatemala.
Peace in an extreme climate: How climate-related security risks affect prospects for stability in Lake Chad, Chitra Nagarajan & al., PLOS Climate, 2024
This article presents the findings of the climate-security nexus assessment of the Lake Chad region to inform response options for the region. The article sets out four climate-fragility risks: (i) Climate and ecological change increase livelihood insecurity; (ii) Vulnerability heightens as conflict and fragility strain coping capacities.; (iii) Resource conflicts rise due to scarcity.; and (iv) Livelihood insecurity fuel recruitment into armed groups. The authors argue that the success of stabilisation efforts to end violence in the region hangs on the ability to account for climate risks affecting Lake Chad.
Advancing Locally Led Evaluations: Practical Insights for Humanitarian Contexts, Hana Abul Husn, Dorothy Mae Albiento, ALNAP, 2024
The overarching objective of this scoping paper is to raise the visibility and accessibility of locally led evaluation in humanitarian contexts. The paper summarises the opinions and experiences of evaluation stakeholders captured during informal discussions, interviews and scoping events, as well as evidence from relevant literature. We explore what is meant by locally led evaluation and the principles underpinning it, as well as why, how, and by and for whom evaluations are carried out. More specifically, we suggest how evaluation stakeholders can meaningfully engage with and participate in locally led evaluations.
Thematic literature reviews
Several times a year, “Documentary analyses”, focusing on a given subject often related to current events, are also carried out.
- Literature review 1: the humanitarian-development nexus in relation to the Grand Bargain, July 2018
- Literature review 2: from crisis prevention to the roots of fragility, December 2018
- Literature review 3: partnerships between public and private actors in situation of fragility, March 2019
- Literature review 4: Climate refugees – when climate change affects fragile contexts, October 2019