Literature monitoring
Bearing the burden: Climate change-attributable losses and damages in the Sahel and Greater Horn of Africa, Florence Pichon & al., SPARC, 2024
This report provides new data about the current and potential future losses and damages from climate-attributable weather events in the Sahel and Horn of Africa, with a specific focus on the agriculture and livestock sectors.
2025 Emergency Watchlist: A World Out of Balance, IRC, 2024
The Emergency Watchlist report is the International Rescue Committee’s (IRC) assessment of the 20 countries at greatest risk of new humanitarian emergencies each year. It describes imbalances driving crises such as: more conflict, yet less diplomacy; more attacks on civilians, yet fewer consequences; more carbon emissions, but less climate support; and more wealth accumulation, yet less poverty alleviation. The result is not only the growth of humanitarian needs globally, but also the concentration of these needs in the world’s most fragile contexts.
Beyond Barriers, Final Study Report, Mark Johnson, Ariana Marnicio, Concern Worlwide, 2024
The purpose of the Beyond Barriers project is to examine the known, yet persistent barriers related to funding, human resources, and power in partnership in the humanitarian sector for the purpose of providing actionable learning and tools to shift toward a more locally-led response. The report presents the research’s eight key findings, associated research evidence, and areas for further inquiry.
Accès aux études de cas et résultats de l’enquête :
Thematic literature reviews
Several times a year, “Documentary analyses”, focusing on a given subject often related to current events, are also carried out.
- Literature review 1: the humanitarian-development nexus in relation to the Grand Bargain, July 2018
- Literature review 2: from crisis prevention to the roots of fragility, December 2018
- Literature review 3: partnerships between public and private actors in situation of fragility, March 2019
- Literature review 4: Climate refugees – when climate change affects fragile contexts, October 2019