Different stakeholders in the international aid sector have taken on commitments to reduce their environmental footprint for several years. How are these commitments coming along? What are the challenges the stakeholders face? How are they following up on their commitments?

We try to answer these questions during this webinar which present the follow up activities of two main statements:

This webinar has been an opportunity to understand what these commitments entail, and how the stakeholders can follow up on them. It addresses the following topics:

  • Follow up of the donor declaration: methods and results, with Karolina Kalinowska from DG ECHO
  • Follow up report of the statement of commitment: lessons learned, with Johana Bretou-Klein from Groupe URD
  • Point of view of signatory NGOs, with Camille Evain from Action Contre la Faim and Tania Chauvin from Electriciens Sans Frontières


📅 mer. 03 avr.
🕧 14:00 – 15:30 UTC+2