In connection with pillar 4 of the KEY programme concerning governance of food security, Groupe URD is running a training course on the participation and involvement of all the project stakeholders in order to facilitate the ties between the different types of actors, create synergy and reinforce operational partnerships. The course is therefore aimed at both NGOs and state technical services involved in implementing the programme in Bamako and the regions.
From 11/12/2018 to 13/12/2018 - Place : Bamako, Mali
Organised by Groupe URD
As part of the support we are providing to the European Union’s KEY programme, we organised a training course and discussion workshop entitled: “Participation, or how to reinforce community engagement”. This training course aimed at both NGOs and state technical services involved in the implementation of the programme, both in Bamako and the regions. It looked at different participation approaches, at the individual, programme and organizational levels, and considered this issue in terms of project management tools and ways of changing practices.