Aid organisations’ practices have been severely affected by the secondary effects of the pandemic. As a result, the role of local actors has been boosted and has been increasingly recognised due to their ability to continue working on the ground with affected people despite mobility restrictions. Debates about aid localisation are not new, and they have already led to a certain amount of progress at the operational level in terms of partnerships between international NGOs and local actors of different kinds. Nevertheless, a glass ceiling remains at the strategic level and there is still a lot of room for improvement in terms of local actors’ participation in decision-making processes. The current crisis has the potential to redistribute the cards regarding actors’ roles and influence. This round table will be an opportunity for participants to speak frankly about how North-South relations have changed and for aid professionals and analysts to exchange views. How have the lines shifted since last March?


  • Virginie LEFEVRE, Programme and Partnership Coordinator, AMEL International, a member of the Lebanese NGO coordination body
  • Valérie LEON, Researcher, Groupe URD
  • Martin VIELAJUS, Consultant, co-author of the OngLAB study, “Localisation de l’aide : plus de proximité permet-il d’assurer l’autonomie des projets déployés?

Facilitated by:

  • Magali CHELPI-DEN HAMER, Researcher, IRIS
  • Sébastien RADISSON, CLONG-Volontariat Coordinator and member of the OngLAB Strategic Orientation Committee