In particular, it underlined the multiplicity of crisis drivers (drought and long term climate change, food price increases, growing vulnerability of populations aggravated by shortened space between crisis cycles, rapid onset disasters, locust infestations, political tensions and conflicts). The workshop participants deliberated the impact of a diversity of programmes (food aid, cash and voucher, assistance to agriculture and pastoral issues, nutrition approaches using community based mechanisms or integration with health services, etc.) and the need to develop multidisciplinary, multi-scale and well coordinated multi-actors integrated programming emerge high in the agenda. Similarly, multi-year programming was seen as an avenue worth exploring further.
Sahel Learning Exercise with USAID/OFDA, January 2014
From 21/01/2014 to 24/01/2014 - Place : Dakar (Senegal)
Organised by Groupe URD
As part of the Humanitarian Evaluation and Learning Project, Groupe URD and USAID/OFDA organized a 4-day learning exercise from January 21 to 24, 2014 in Dakar. Bringing together practitioners from the different countries of the region and a strong technical team from Washington, the Sahel Learning Exercise reviewed key events, practices and lessons learnt from 2005 to 2014.