Objectives of the training course

By the end of the course, participants will be familiar with:

  • Existing environmental challenges and the issues at stake with regard to the interaction between humanitarian crises, the environment and humanitarian action;
  • Rapid Environmental Assessment Tools (such as NEAT+)
  • Methodological practices and the right questions to ask oneself to integrate environmental considerations at each stage of the project cycle;
  • The key points of an environmental approach within an organisation;
  • Good practices to reduce the environmental impact of programmes and offices;
  • An environmental action plan for their own organisation.



  • Climate Fresk workshop and key environmental concepts;
  • The environmental impacts of humanitarian action and related mitigation measures (different types of impact and examples of measures taken in the field);
  • The latest developments in the humanitarian sector (donors, UN agencies, international organisations, standards);
  • Environmental assessment tools (particularly NEAT+);
  • An organisation’s environmental approach (identification of barriers, levers, etc.);
  • Presentation of Social Enterprises in Burkina Faso who are committed to environmental issues (this half day is to be confirmed depending on the availability of the relevant representatives).


Aimed at

This training course is aimed at professionals from the international aid sector who are involved in the design, implementation, funding, logistical aspect, or monitoring & evaluation of crisis response, as well as support staff (heads of projects, funding and partnerships officers, M&E officers, managers, logisticians, communication officers, etc.).


Dead-line to register: 20 October 2024.