Quelle place pour les solidarités internationales dans un monde à + 2°c ? Adapter le secteur de l’aide internationale aux changements climatiques.

A time for discussion to raise awareness of the diversity and scale of the impact of climate change on humanitarian contexts and on our work, and to consider possible courses of action at different levels.

  • What impact will this have at organisational level and on the implementation of programmes?
  • What will a humanitarian organisation need to look like to meet the new needs and challenges?
  • What are the foreseeable challenges and impacts at global level, and therefore on the humanitarian sector and aid architecture?
  • What links should be made with other players involved in adapting to climate change?
  • How can we work together to provide the financial, operational and strategic resources to meet these challenges?

This event is not public, but the lessons learnt from the day will be published in an article.

Groupe URD is also starting a study on the subject to analyse practices, their limits and the resulting needs.


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