219 results
Evolving through evaluation
We conduct different kinds of evaluations (real-time evaluations, end of project analysis, etc.) which can be about specific programmes, themes or geographical areas. An evaluation is an opportunity to take stock of what has worked and what has not worked, and why.
Certain evaluations, known as “iterative evaluations”, aim to evaluate and accompany a project as it evolves over time. These are made up of a series of evaluations that are carried out at pivotal stages of the project in order take into account changes in the context and improve lesson learning, and thereby increase quality and accountability.
From a methodological point of view, real-time evaluations (RTE) – which are carried out just after a disaster has happened – and iterative evaluations – sometimes called EIMS , if the process is organized around a series of mini-seminars in the field – aim to make collective learning mechanisms more effective. They also allow quicker analysis of the context and needs, and help to identify and promote good practices at the right time and in the right place.
In the majority of cases, the findings of these evaluations are confidential and are therefore not available on this site.