The security crisis has doubled the population density in certain areas within a few months, increasing pressure on the environment and accelerating the commercialisation of access to natural resources. It has also led to unexpected changes, in the wetlands, for example, where pressure from humans has fallen considerably, with armed groups in control who tax access to resources and exclude or accept certain actors.

The findings, which were analysed from a regional perspective, show that:

  • The security crisis is localised in nature;
  • Inequality has increased in terms of access to land;
  • Inequality has become worse for disadvantaged people;
  • Many people have been affected by conflicts and have felt the impact of the crisis.

These changes mean that it is necessary to think in terms of land tenure governance in order to manage the different authorities and interests, including armed groups, in this context. The report suggests areas for reflection and makes a number of recommendations.

Photo credit: RESILAC Cameroon. All rights reserved.

Supervised by

Paloma Casaseca

RESILAC Focal Point - Pillar 4 (2019-2022)