Commissioned by

Jérôme Faucet

Network for Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation

This network was created in 2012, at the initiative of French NGOs who decided to join forces to reflect and work together on disaster risk reduction (DRR). The NGOs concerned, namely CARE France, the French Red Cross, Solidarités International, Handicap International (now Humanité et Inclusion), were then joined by Groupe URD, which had been working on these issues for many years.

The network’s desire was to improve the exchange of tools and good practices, and to build links with representatives of the French government to ensure the visibility of the actions of French NGOs abroad. The network developed an advocacy component, notably in the context of the Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction, held in Sendai in 2015 and Cancun in 2016. It has also moved closer to various climate change initiatives, such as COP21 in Paris in December 2015 and the following ones.

The main objectives of the network are to:

  • Strengthen expertise in DRR and CCA among its members to improve the quality of programmes, through the sharing of knowledge and resources (tools, learning);
  • Ensure that the DRR strategies of the various members are coordinated and, where appropriate, develop common messages to be conveyed to decision-makers and civil society;
  • Ensure that DRR is taken into account in other humanitarian and development policies, as well as through different networks (related to sustainable development objectives, climate change adaptation, resilience building, etc.).

Since April 2018, Groupe URD has taken a more active role in running the network. As such, it is responsible for organizing meetings, monitoring action points, facilitating the exchange of information and improving the network’s visibility. Decision-making and management of joint projects are carried out in a participatory manner.

The network is relaunching in 2024, and is working on new terms of reference, following the Conference on adapting the aid sector to the effects of climate change organised by Groupe URD and the RePR network in June 2024 (more information: