- Editorial Humanitarian Aid on the Move No. 26, Véronique De Geoffroy
- Decolonisation of humanitarian aid: Groupe URD (re)launches the debate, Groupe URD
- Interview with Sabrina Guerard, Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
- Questioning power structures and values – The range of responses from French civil society organisations (CSOs), Anna Diaz, Mélanie Pelascini, Anaïs Tamani (Coordination SUD).
- The decolonisation of humanitarian aid and localisation: a critical synthesis, Carine Magen-Fabregat, Myriam Aït-Aïssa et Pierre Alexandre Maiziere (Action contre la Faim)
- Interview with Maïka Sondarjee
- Coloniality or pluriversality: what do we learn from the ecological transition of NGOs?, Vincent Pradier
- Decolonising data: is this a prerequisite for true localisation?, Martin Noblecourt
- Decolonising aid: a complex process of renewing international solidarity, Martine Gwana Passa
- Is it possible to communicate differently? (De)colonisation of visual humanitarian communication, Cristina García Martínez
- Bibliography on “Decolonizing aid”, Cécile Le Grix
Humanitarian Aid on the Move No. 26
The decolonisation of aid. How do we approach such a sensitive subject? Should we do so? Are we the right people to take it on? All these questions were raised in Groupe URD before we decided that this would be the subject of our 17th Autumn School on Humanitarian Aid. We were influenced by the current geopolitical trend, with former colonies – those in the Sahel notable among them – demanding profound transformation in power relations between states. We were influenced too by growing demands from civil society in the ‘global South’ that their role be better recognised and supported by international aid actors. We were influenced by the antiracist struggles throughout society […]