Funded by

Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO)

There are two objectives for this study :


Multi-sector needs and gaps analysis

Identification of repeated critical humanitarian needs reported by the ECHO Humanitarian Procurement Centres (HPOs) that could be covered by the EHRC toolbox without generating any risk of duplication with the existing shared Humanitarian Logistics Services (HLS) in order to:

  • Reposition the EHRC regional stockpiling strategy based on a portfolio of hard-to-procure life-saving emergency kits and items to be ready-to-ship worldwide at any time;
  • Guide ECHO on the most appropriate organisational model to operate EHRC stockpiles, both at upstream and field levels, including workforce and a financial mobilisation plan required for implementing the new EHRC stockpiling strategy.


Direct procurement strategy

Identification of the most appropriate direct procurement models, associated good practices and key players to source, contract and purchase EHRC emergency items and logistics services in order to:

  • Support the ECHO decision-making process for enhancing EHRC toolbox through a SWOT analysis of the different procurement models;
  • Based on an operational, financial and reputational risk assessment, guide the DG_ECHO management on the most adapted organizational model to support the identified enhancement of the EHRC toolbox, including the interoperability with other ERCC Units and Geo Units.


Credit photo : © RESILAC

The INSPIRE+ Consortium is made up of Development Initiatives, IECAH, ODI, FAIREPROD and Groupe URD. It provides the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) with support in developing its policies via research, training, workshops and the dissemination of findings.

Carried out by

Anna Dobai

Researcher, evaluator, trainer (since 2021)