Funded by

French Development Agency, Fondation de France, Région Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes and Monegasque Cooperation,

Our support will involve two phases:

  • An analysis of the current situation:

This will involve analysing internal ACF documents, interviewing key members of the network and assessing whether ACF procedures comply with international standards (such as the CHS, IASC, etc.) in order to identify potential shortcomings and draw up recommendations for a common MEAL policy.

  • Helping to define the common MEAL policy:

Groupe URD will contribute to the elaboration of the MEAL policy document after facilitating workshops with the MEAL working group, so that they are involved in the process. We will also help to elaborate the action plan to implement the policy.

This work is being carried out in collaboration with the MEAL working group which is made up of focal points from the ACF international network.


With the support of French Development Agency, Fondation de France, Région Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes and Monegasque Cooperation, as part of the APIC project: Learning and innovating to improve crisis response (phase 3, 2023-2026).

Carried out by

Marie Faou

Researcher, evaluator, and trainer, Quality & Accountability Advisor (2021-2024)