Soliway, Solidarité Internationale Mode d’Emploi(s): the only trade fair in France and Switzerland dedicated to solidarity and working in the humanitarian sector.

SOLIWAY is organised by the Cité de la Solidarité Internationale every 2 years. It will be held this year on Saturday 18 November at the Martin Luther King Complex in Annemasse in France. This day is aimed at the general public to inform and orient them in relation to aid sector jobs and training courses.

The day before, Friday 17 November, is intended for professionals from the sector to meet and discuss practices and how the sector is going to evolve.

Aline Hubert, Groupe URD’s Environment expert, will facilitate the conference, ‘Integrating environmental policies in NGOs as a way to promote continuous improvement’ alongside Guillaume Quelin from the GRET and Vincent Pradier from Coordination Sud, 17 November, 4.00 – 5.30 pm.

See the programme for more details.