Funded by

French Development Agency, Fondation de France, Région Auvergne-Rhônes-Alpes and Monegasque Cooperation

The aim of the ‘Learning and innovating to improve crisis response’ project is to promote reflection, improve aid practices, and help to structure the international aid sector in France in order to manage crisis and post-crisis contexts more effectively.  



With the increasing frequency and intensity of disasters and of disruptions of all kinds (climatic; political and geopolitical; health-related; etc.), it seems essential to optimise and pool efforts to anticipate and respond to these crises. A major reform of the international aid sector is necessary to meet the challenges ahead. Following on from the first two editions of the ‘Learning and innovating to improve crisis response’ project, this time Groupe URD will focus on helping actors to change their practices and their organisations via the production of knowledge and the sharing of experiences, while maximising the dissemination of findings among aid practitioners, institutional actors and donors.


Description of the project

The aim of this project is to help aid organisations to adapt their practices to the major changes that are currently underway and those that are ahead of us. These changes concern: the nature of crises (the impact of climate change, the environmental crisis and chronic crises); the interaction between different actors (aid organisations, institutional actors and funding agencies); and the type of project that should be implemented. The project will include a variety of activities: knowledge production (studies and research), capacity reinforcement (organisational support and training), and sharing lessons learned and exchanging practices (dissemination, facilitating networks and attending conferences).

The main topics of the project are aid quality, environmental and climatic issues, the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus, and the status and role of local actors in crisis response.


Expected results

Aid actors’ needs will be identified via monitoring, consultation, analysis and follow-up, particularly those of French civil society organisations. This will allow a programme of research and learning activities to be drawn up.

Knowledge will be shared, and dialogue promoted between actors via the organisation of events and exchange forums, the facilitation of networks and the wide dissemination of findings.



For the project’s activities related to ‘Crisis and post-crisis contexts’, Groupe URD will be working with Coordination SUD’s humanitarian commission. For the activities related to the environment, we will be working with the members of the Humanitarian Environment Network (REH) and the Disaster Risk Reduction Network (RepR). We will also be collaborating with the members of the Accountability Group and of the Local Solidarity network, currently being set up.

Carried out by

Marie Faou

Researcher, evaluator, and trainer, Quality & Accountability Advisor (2021-2024)

Aline Hubert

Researcher, evaluator, and trainer – ‘Environment’ expert (since 2021)

Charly Pierluigi

Researcher, evaluator & trainer - Quality Advisor (since 2022)

Marion Reinosa

Researcher, evaluator and trainer - Climate advisor (2022-2023)