Funded by

World Food Program (WFP)

The programme implemented by the WFP which will involve technical support from Groupe URD aims to improve the food and economic security of rural communities which have been affected by a series of shocks (drought and cyclones Isaac and Sandy). The programme is currently being implemented in two départements – Artibonite and Sud Est.

Groupe URD’s role is to improve the monitoring system set up by the WFP for this programme by developing methodological tools and training staff in charge of collecting data in the field. Groupe URD is also be in charge of the mid-term and final evaluations of the programme.

In parallel, a retrospective study of the works carried out as part of the programme between 2010 and 2012 looks at their sustainability.

Carried out by

Domitille Kauffmann

Researcher, evaluator and trainer (2005-12)